Medusa-The Gaze that Kills and Heals: The Collaboration of Maya Deren and Jean Erdman
The article was originally published in Return To Mago E-Magazine July 20, 2018 In 1949 the film-maker Maya Deren and the...
Medusa-The Gaze that Kills and Heals: The Collaboration of Maya Deren and Jean Erdman
Confession on Practice and Theory
Triptych of the Elements
Manifestos of Strange Becoming : Artist Statement
Pink Full Moon- Digital Spell & Ritual-Magic
Lights in the Darkness Summoned by the Witch of Thessaly
Techno-spiritual horizons: Compassionate networked art forms & noetic fields of cyborg consciousness
The Pilgrim's Account from the Serpentine Love Field
Fields of Origin – My Journey Towards Cybernetic Futures
i see you- Visual and audio documentation of the Nous of Communitas networked workshop
The Nous Of Communitas- Networked Workshop
USB activation of prototype morphic field